Counselor Roles & Responsibilities
School Counselors and School Social Workers Have Many Responsibilities
Putting out fires is only one small part of our jobs!
Counselor Roles
School Counselors wear many hats!
We offer a variety of services depending on student, teacher, parent, school, and community needs. Services we provide may vary from year to year.
Past support has included:
Individual Crisis Counseling
Helping Coordinate our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Assisting with Targeted Interventions and Practices for Students At-Risk
Conflict Resolution & Decision Making
Ongoing Monthly Classroom Guidance Lessons
Leadership on the BCS Crisis Recovery Team (student or staff death)
Coordination of Guest Speakers
Coordination of Grade Level Programs
Career Exploration Opportunities and Career Events
Conducting Teacher Trainings
Collaboration with Exceptional Children, English as a Second Language, & AIG Departments
Small Group Counseling
Presentations at Conferences and Workshops
Coordinate our Holiday Giving Program
Attendance / Truancy Court & Coordination with Juvenile Justice
Enrollment and Academic Scheduling / Student Placement
Participate in Continuing Education and Professional Development
Collaboration with Mental Health and Other Community Agencies
Supervision of Western Carolina University Counseling Students
Serve on School-Wide Committees including School Improvement Team, PBIS, Attendance, Budget, Media Technology Advisory, Crisis Teams, Safe Schools, Multi-Tiered System of Support.
Information from NC Department of Social Servies About Mandatory Reporting Issue
School Counselors strive to maintain confidentiality with their students and their families.
However, there are a few things we cannot keep completely private.
These include suspected abuse and neglect, suicide, homicide (or other self / other harm) and collaboration with community agencies when we have a release of information from the family.