School Attendance
School Attendance Policy
If a student is absent MORE THAN 14 DAYS (This includes both EXCUSED AND UNEXCUSED Absences), he / she will be required to MAKE UP DAYS in order to be promoted to the next grade level. We try to offer after school times as well as summer school make up sessions.
Examples of EXCUSED absences are as follows:
Illness / Medical Issues
Court Dates
Death in the Immediate Family
Religious Exemptions
Pre-arranged educational trips that have been authorized in advance by the Principal.
Students MUST turn in a note to their homeroom teacher within 3 days of returning to school in order for any of these absences to be considered excused.
The purpose of ATTENDANCE SUMMER SCHOOL or AFTER SCHOOL make up sessions is to offer an opportunity to make-up the time your son / daughter has been absent. The state requires a certain number of days in attendance in order to be promoted to the next grade level.
Summer School for attendance is not automatically offered every school year (budget issues). Please realize that your son or daughter may be at risk for repeating the grade (Retention) if they fail to meet the attendance requirements and summer school is not offered.
The cost for summer school will range between $50 to $150.
If a student gets MORE THAN 10 UNEXCUSED absences, we may be required to file a truancy petition (undisciplined youth) with the Department of Juvenile Justice. We may also be required to file with the Magistrate for warrants on parents / guardians.
This can be a very costly expense for families (Court fees, fines, lawyer fees, possible loss of income due to jail time, etc.) and we will strive to work with you as much as possible.
Please make an effort to communicate with our School Social Worker or grade level Counselor if there are any attendance issues. Work with us in order to help us avoid these drastic measures!