Wellness Scorecard
We take student health and wellness seriously. That’s why we continually work to meet and exceed state and federal guidelines. Each year, we assess the effectiveness of our Wellness Policy and practices through the nationally recognized and USDA-approved Wellness School Assessment Tool (WellSAT). You may view this scorecard below or learn more on the WellSAT website.
According to WellSAT.org: "The WellSAT is a quantitative assessment tool to help you score and improve your local School Wellness Policy. Since 2010, this measure has been used by thousands of people across the country, representing school districts from every state. All WellSAT items reflect the federal law or best practices. The purpose of scoring your district policy is to identify where it is strong and where it could be improved."
Understanding the Assessment
The WellSAT scorecard analyzes multiple practices of wellness on a scale of zero (0) to two (2). The highest rating that can be earned for each practice is two (2), meaning that this practice is implemented fully and consistently. A rating of one (1) means that this practice is implemented partially. A score of zero means that a particular practice is not currently being implemented.
BCS 2021 Wellness Scorecard
Overall District Policy Score
Comprehensiveness Score: Count the number of items rated as "1"or "2" and divide this number by 6. Multiply by 100. Do not count an item if the rating is "0." | 94 |
Strength Score: Count the number of items rated as "2" and divide this number by 6. Multiply by 100. | 80 |