The school can provide an internet hotspot to students who do not have internet access at home. A contract must be signed by a parent/guardian attesting that there is no internet access outside of school and returned to the library. Students are responsible for returning hotspots at the end of the year. Students caught using hotspots on campus risk losing access to the hotspot.
Students are assigned a laptop to be used for the duration of each school year, but BCS retains full and complete ownership of the laptop. Use of the laptop constitutes acceptance and agreement to all policies (Technology Responsible Use (Spanish, Russian) Policy and Internet Safety (Spanish, Russian) Policy), procedures, requirements and guidelines set forth in the user guide linked above. Students who have violated any policy or provision (repeat damages, attendance issues, money owed for damages) included in the guide may be subject to disciplinary action as determined by school administration.
All laptops will be returned to school upon withdrawal, graduation, or at the end of each school year. Failure to return a laptop will result in the student being charged the full replacement cost of the laptop and accessories.
General Care
Students are responsible for the general care and proper use of the school-issued laptop. Students will be charged for damages to the laptops, if the damages are deemed deliberate by administration, the tech team, or the librarian. Students who fail to show responsibility for their laptop put themselves at risk of reduced laptop use (daily checkout) or permanent loss of laptop privileges.
Bring your laptop every day. We do not provide loaners to students who left theirs at home. | Buy a new charger from anywhere but the school. We cannot guarantee the one you get from elsewhere will be correct. |
Charge your laptop or bring your charger. We do not provide loaner chargers. | Leave the laptop in your car overnight. |
Report damages or missing laptop to the library ASAP. | Add stickers or remove any labels. |
Keep food and drinks away from the laptop. | Share your laptop. It’s yours, not theirs, and you're responsible for it. |
Treat the laptop gently. | Install VPNs. They’ll know. |
Treat the laptop gently, especially the screen; they are very breakable! No heavy objects on top of it, no picking up by the screen, nothing between the screen and keyboard, no biting. | Leave it in random places around the school, like in the bathroom or the hallway. |
Bring your own headphones. We don’t have any. | Add an inappropriate background or theme. |
Contact either of the Help Desks (see the bottom of this page) or bring your laptop to the library when something is not working. | Repair yourself or take damages to any repair store. |
Daily Checkout
Students/parents can request a daily checkout laptop instead of taking the laptop home every night. Students pick up fully charged laptops as needed in the library and return them before they leave for the day.
Students can be placed on daily checkout by administration for several other reasons, including but not limited to attendance, lack of responsibility, and other disciplinary action.
Students who miss 20 days of school in a semester are subject to being put on a daily checkout until their attendance record is clean.
If a student withdraws or transfers without returning a laptop and then re-enrolls at a later date, they will be expected to return the old laptop. They will not be re-issued a laptop until the old one is returned and a 30-day daily checkout wait period has gone well, with the laptop being returned each day before the student leaves campus.
Laptop FAQs